no offense blogger. its been great.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
maybe one day you will understand
so i think i might delete this blog soon. i haven't posted in a super long time, and i recently made a tumblr. (which you can find here: )
Saturday, September 25, 2010
take the chapstick, put it on your lips
so last month i was really excited for a vampire weekend concert (with beach house and dum dum girls). i had been looking forward to it for months, and so me and jee young got there five hours early to be front row. it was awesome, until they had someone come out and tell us vampire weekend would not be performing because of an illness. i was pissed off, especially because they made us wait over an hour after beach house finished.
but, i exchanged my ticket for a makeup show which was last wednesday. we got there super early again to be front row, and we met a lot of the people who were next to us in line at the cancelled show, which was cool. vampire weekend didn't disappoint this time though. they played every single song from both albums(!) and i even got a guitar pick!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
all the chocolates in your pockets are gonna melt
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
any day now
summer has been rather nice though. mostly i have just been hanging out at home with my brother, or doing stuff with friends. i love the freedom of being able to do whatever, or nothing at all. like right now i am eating starbursts. i can still feel the burden of school though, waiting, just about to come around the corner. i feel like this is going to be my toughest year yet. especially since this is my last year of high school, and i will have so much work with college applications. i already feel behind, ha.
the other day my dad was counting all of the concerts i'm going to this month. its was five i think? i'm really excited.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
i have dreams of orca whales
mine is lopez island. its where i have gone every summer of my life. i just spent a week there and it was so nice. its really relaxing there, everybody is so friendly and laid back. people always wave to each other when they drive by, say hello and how are you on the beach, and smile to strangers. the town is so small, and the island feels so rural. i think there are more sheep than people. the quietness and the feel of being away from everything is actually one of the main reasons that i like going there. we stay in this little cabin that doesn't have tv, although we do watch lots of movies, and i get horrible cell reception which means pretty much no texting, haha. i would love to live there someday.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
i cannot guess what we'll discover
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
we can stick around and see this night through
so today me and my brother were cleaning and getting rid of old toys. we are going to give a huge box of legos a kid down the street. he is super into legos, and we don't really play with them anymore. we couldn't get rid of all of them though, there are just too many good memories haha. almost everyday we played with those things, and built houses and whatnot. good times.
story time. on the last day of school me and my friends went and saw toy story 3, and it was really good! i actually really enjoyed it, and such a good ending (almost cried haha, so sad!). but anyways, i had never liked toy story as a kid because it was so scary. like the kid who blows toys up? yeah that really freaked me out. also, at the movie i sat next to this really cute french guy named etienne. he is staying with my friend alison, and there is another french guy named charles, but etienne is way cuter. and i got to sit next to him at the movie! he can understand english, you just have to talk slowly. he was asking me questions and talking with this adorable accent. i will have to hang out with alison soon to see him! haha.
anyways. news. NPSH (natalie portman's shaved head) changed their name to Brite Futures! i was very upset when i heard this. because NPSH is such a good name, and how could you change that?? but its okay because they are still the same, just new name.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
i kinda wanna be more than friends
so i just completely changed the look of my blog. not used to it yet, but i like it, haha.
i am so happy that its summer, i enjoy not having to do anything and just enjoying the weather. today i walked to the elementary school with my brother and janie. it was fun, we played on the playground. also my brother and i have decided that we need to run everyday this summer (except weekends) and today was day #2. i am very out of shape.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
you don't remember me, but i remember you
wow. junior year is over. its hard to believe, because it feels like it has gone by so fast. but it was also one of the toughest years of my life. so much has changed.
i hate that feeling when you know you should be happy because everything happened for the best, but really you just wish it could be like it was before. i miss the old days.
but, its schools over! and its summer! i absolutely love this time of year. only thing is that i don't have much planned, except for a week in the san juans in the middle of july. i want to get a job, but i don't know where, and the library didn't have any openings.
so for now i will just fantasize about going to cool places. like harry potter land!!! it is pretty much like the coolest thing ever
i want to go there SO bad.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
sometimes you don't know what you were thinking of
i should be sleeping now, because i am tired.
i am sleepy, but i am also tired. i am tired of school, dealing with things i don't want to deal with, trying to figure out what to do, being mad, and people who are annoying. i really wish it could just be summer now.
but on thursday i get to leave for san francisco on a band trip. i think it will be alot of fun. at least it should be, especially if the weather is nice.
i'm sure that i could resolve many of the things that are bothering me now. but really, i just feel done with it. and i don't think the people care at all.
i can just stick with my best friends from now on.
so anyways, i had a great weekend. i went to a concert on friday night, and saw sea fever, ravenna woods, and hey marseilles. i drove downtown with one of my best friends (michelle), and there was all this traffic, and once we parked we saw all these people with short jean skirts, plaid, and cowboy boots, and we were like what is going on?! but then we saw a poster for a tim mcgraw, and that made sense. the concert we went to was a ton of fun though. we were really close to the stage. oh and major plus, the guys in sea fever and hey marseilles are all super cute, haha.
i also did alot of hanging out with my dad and brother this weekend, since my mom is gone (she is in france!) and we watched two star wars movies. i had seen one of them before, but i really enjoyed them both! and the music is still stuck in my head.
Monday, April 26, 2010
you wont believe what i tell you
i had a really good day today.
in psychology class we had a party, because we just finished testing and now we are pretty much done for the year. and in biology, my group performed our skit today, and we all dressed up as characters from magic school bus. it was hilarious, i was phoebe.
i'm also really excited because my bio class is going on a field trip to the tide pools tomorrow. it is going to be so nice and sunny, and lots of fun!
it has been so sunny and warm lately, which makes me really happy because it means that school is almost over, and then it will be summer.
i love finding new music, or re-discorvering old music. right now i am becoming obsessed with the killers, again.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
i can see a lot of life in you
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down, probably will. You’ll have your heart broken and you’ll break others’ hearts. You’ll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them, and you’ll cry because time is flying by. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you’ve never been hurt. Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, no second chances. you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they mean to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone’s hand, comfort a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, and smile until your face hurts. Don’t be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.
— Unknown
Monday, April 19, 2010
sit back, relax, and hold my head to the sea
you should check out this really cool band called Hey Marseilles. this is their website: my favorite songs are rio, to travels and trunks, and hold the morning.
Monday, April 12, 2010
the thing that i tell you now, it may not go over well
went to the muse concert with my cousins.
it was beyond amazing.
today was my first day back at school from spring break. it was actually a really good day. i'm hoping that my life will be good now, because the last couple of months have been not so great. not that my life isn't good, but some pretty upsetting things have happened, and a lot has changed. i feel like now that break is over the rest of the school year is all downhill until summer.
a year ago from now things were so different. i don't think things are worse now, actually they are probably better. but with all the shitty stuff that has happened to me this year (more like past three months) i can better understand how great my good friends are (jee young, jenny, sara, and michelle) but anyways, i'm going to just be happy and move on.
spring break was pretty good even though i didn't really do much, because most of my friends were out of town. i did go down to seattle a lot though. i love the city.
Monday, March 1, 2010
she put a little money into traveling
i should be writing an essay right now. but frankly, the "effectiveness of government programs in solving the problems confronting agriculture and industry during the great depression" is not my favorite topic. 
these pictures are from my family's trip to california over mid-winter break. i love california, its always sunny, and or warm. i seriously want to live there when i am older.
so project runway is one of my favorite shows. of all time. and we were lucky enough to be able to go to mood fabrics. it was pretty neat, a lot of fabric.
we also got to go to the san diego zoo, which was definitely the highlight of my trip. giraffes are pretty much my favorite things ever. and this is some random man feeding one.
the san diego zoo also had a really cool panda exhibit with some super cute pandas.
i thought this was kinda hilarious. i saw it when we were walking in downtown san diego.
you're expired.
i think this month is going to be pretty crazy. a lot has happened over the past couple of weeks, and many things have changed. hopefully everything works out for the best. but i'm done, i tried. i miss the good old days.
Friday, February 5, 2010
no you don't have to go
do you ever have those days? where nothing specifically was bad, but overall it was just a bad day?
i had one of those days today. hopefully it gets better, because i'm home now, and its friday.
tonight i am going to go see my high school's production of Beauty and the Beast. i'm excited, i think it will be really good. also, one of my friends is in the musical as a napkin. who wouldn't want to be a napkin?
this picture is from over a month ago, but i like it. my favorite color is yellow, and somehow i managed to time it just right, to get the yellow of the stop light.
i like this song, we sang it in my spanish class today.
regalarte la Vía Láctea
en un plato de cereal = best lyrics.
en un plato de cereal = best lyrics.
i want to give you the milky way
in a cereal bowl.
haha, i love it.
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