i should be sleeping now, because i am tired.
i am sleepy, but i am also tired. i am tired of school, dealing with things i don't want to deal with, trying to figure out what to do, being mad, and people who are annoying. i really wish it could just be summer now.
but on thursday i get to leave for san francisco on a band trip. i think it will be alot of fun. at least it should be, especially if the weather is nice.
i'm sure that i could resolve many of the things that are bothering me now. but really, i just feel done with it. and i don't think the people care at all.
i can just stick with my best friends from now on.
so anyways, i had a great weekend. i went to a concert on friday night, and saw sea fever, ravenna woods, and hey marseilles. i drove downtown with one of my best friends (michelle), and there was all this traffic, and once we parked we saw all these people with short jean skirts, plaid, and cowboy boots, and we were like what is going on?! but then we saw a poster for a tim mcgraw, and that made sense. the concert we went to was a ton of fun though. we were really close to the stage. oh and major plus, the guys in sea fever and hey marseilles are all super cute, haha.
i also did alot of hanging out with my dad and brother this weekend, since my mom is gone (she is in france!) and we watched two star wars movies. i had seen one of them before, but i really enjoyed them both! and the music is still stuck in my head.
haha you should have taken pictures of the guys! "But I was gonna go to Tashi station to buy some power converters!" AHHH my FAVORITE line.