i havent posted in a while, but that is because the computer keeps going slow and messing stuff up, so sorry 'bout that.
today i went for a run around my neighborhood. i dont really go for runs very often, even though i should. but the end of this week is when soccer tryouts are, and im getting nervous. hence the need to go for a run. oh and when i was out running, i saw a black tulip. pretty cool, yes? no picture though sadly. maybe i will go back later.
have you seen the movie gattaca? we had to watch it in science (all you emery people know) its a really interesting movie. jude law is in it, haha. anyways i wouldnt say go out to blockbuster and get it, but i just think its interesting. they discriminate people on their makeup and their genes. enough about that.
if you want to watch a good movie, go watch slumdog millionaire.
do you know the feeling of being a leaf? okay not actually a leaf, but you kind of feel like you will be blown away, when the wind is really strong. thats a funny feeling
oh and do you like the fishy in the picture above? it was just sitting in my backyard so i took his picture.
okay and english we have to read the book Lord of the Flies. i dont like it at all, i hate it actually. its such a weird book. rather disturbing.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Haha. I love that song! I still have the lyrics on my wall, which jee young wrote when i thought she was writing your bday card. I like the umbrella picture. Actually I like gattaca, even though i have not finished it in class. and i love slumdog millionaire. definitely need to see it...david... and i think it is really cool how in gattaca they only use the letters of the four dna nucleotide bases. nerdy, i know...
ReplyDeleteok, we gotta get something straight here, it is impossible in the flower world to create black pigment and therfore there is no such thing as a black flower, however if you look very close you will discover that it is most likely dar dark purple! ok, enough of that, just thought it needed to be said, haha, ok well i thought Gattaca was really cool too! it was neat and lord of the flies is definitly a little desturbing... oh and the beatles peice gets stuck in my head SOOOOOO FREAKING EASILY! i hate it! i find myself humming the base line to lucy in the sky too... oh and ive seen the first half of slum dog millionare but not the second half... ya kinda lame i know! but the first half was really good!
ReplyDeleteohh okay my bad david. do you prefer dark purple flower? hahah and yeah you need to see slumdog in its entireity! such a good movie