the other day i went to the killers concert with my friends jee young and brian. it was insane. we had alot of fun together.
it was general admission, so we got there at 4 to wait in line. it was i long time to wait, we ate a hot dog, we stood around, played the guessing game, took some pictures. i wonder what brian thought of having to hang out with me and jee young.
when it was finally 6:30 we got to go inside. it was rather funny because you weren't allowed to take cameras inside, so jee young had to hide our cameras in her shoes.
we got inside and did some more waiting before even the opening band came out. but we were up in the front, in the center, and we were excited. and this waiting gave us the chance to meet all the people around us. the guys next to us were really funny and nice. i think one of them was named anthony. anyways they would talk to us and they gave us glow sticks. oh and you know how someone will tap you on the shoulder and you look the other way? he kept doing that to me and i fell for it every time, it was funny. then the opener band finally came out, they were called wild light. and well, they weren't that good. the best part was the drummer.
oh and with all that waiting, everybody was super thirsty. the security guards that were in front would sell us water. brian got a half drunken bottle of gatorade for four dollars, funny. then later brian payed five dollars for a bottle of water, and we all shared it.
we had to wait even more before the killers came out, and everybody started going crazy. everybody was pushing up against us. and then the killers came out, insane. it was so exciting and being up in the front, we were so close. but there were so many people who would shove up against you and push you back. i don't get claustrophobic, but i felt almost like i couldn't breathe. we tried to have fun, but we were in the middle of the mosh pit. we were up there for four songs i think, but we couldn't really enjoy it, so me and jee young got out.
we spent the rest of the concert in the back, where you couldn't really see as well, but it was okay. it was funny because in the back alot of the people were old. they would nod their heads as if saying 'this is a good song' and me and jee young would be jumping up and down screaming next to them. even for being in the back it was fun. jee young took some great pictures. we sang to every song, and i lost my voice. we were so excited when they played when you were young as the last song, but sad that it was over.
we found brian and his sister (she was really nice) and we went home.
i hope brian had fun. I'm not sure what he thought of hanging out with me and jee young.
jee young slept over at my house and the next day we went to school. we were tired. even though no one wanted to hear all about it, we had fun.
me and jee young still haven't stopped listening to the killers. we want to go to more concerts together, maybe we will take brian.
i don't have that many pictures, but jee young took some good ones.
and we have the memories.