Thursday, February 18, 2016

but if i ever find a better place, a better time

Ever since I left Idaho in September, I've been missing it.
I worked hard, saw some beautiful places, met some incredible people, and actually enjoyed living in a tiny town.

Like honestly, does it get any better?
I think about being back there all the time, or wishing that I could relive some of those moments. But at the same time, I know if I were to go back it would never be the same without everybody that made my experience so special.
It's crazy because I never thought I would ever want to leave Washington, but maybe one day I will call the gem state home.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

meet me on the west coast

Long time no see blogspot! I had the urge to start writing again, mostly for myself.
Reading back on my old posts is painful/embarrassing, but I'm really glad that I didn't delete anything. It allows me to look back on those rough high school years fondly, and read about days that I had completely forgotten about.
I want to have that experience all over again, but for things I am going through now-- hence the decision to start blogging again.
Here we go!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sunday, November 28, 2010

maybe one day you will understand

so i think i might delete this blog soon. i haven't posted in a super long time, and i recently made a tumblr. (which you can find here: )
no offense blogger. its been great.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

take the chapstick, put it on your lips

wow, i haven't posted in a while.
so last month i was really excited for a vampire weekend concert (with beach house and dum dum girls). i had been looking forward to it for months, and so me and jee young got there five hours early to be front row. it was awesome, until they had someone come out and tell us vampire weekend would not be performing because of an illness. i was pissed off, especially because they made us wait over an hour after beach house finished.
but, i exchanged my ticket for a makeup show which was last wednesday. we got there super early again to be front row, and we met a lot of the people who were next to us in line at the cancelled show, which was cool. vampire weekend didn't disappoint this time though. they played every single song from both albums(!) and i even got a guitar pick!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

all the chocolates in your pockets are gonna melt

on friday i went to a really awesome concert with my brother and my friend jee young, and it was free! we saw brite futures (formerly natalie portman's shaved head), which is one of my favorite bands. and we were lucky enough to meet them both before and after the concert! it was such a fun concert and we were in the front row the whole time. definitely one of the best nights ever.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

any day now

sometimes i really hate memories, and how easily they come back. these little triggers are everywhere, things that remind me of a time or a place, or a person. sure i was happy then, but i just want to forget everything now. i mean every time i see a silver honda i flinch, because i think its nicks car. every time.
summer has been rather nice though. mostly i have just been hanging out at home with my brother, or doing stuff with friends. i love the freedom of being able to do whatever, or nothing at all. like right now i am eating starbursts. i can still feel the burden of school though, waiting, just about to come around the corner. i feel like this is going to be my toughest year yet. especially since this is my last year of high school, and i will have so much work with college applications. i already feel behind, ha.
the other day my dad was counting all of the concerts i'm going to this month. its was five i think? i'm really excited.